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We strongly believe that “pet" is not the right word to describe the relationship we envision between humans and cats and dogs. Our...Companion Animal For Life, delivered its millionth meal!
Companion Animal for Life, our project that is designed to give every dog and every cat a home, and promotes responsible ownership, has been running full speed ahead in...
Some of Your Most Frequently Asked Questions Answered
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Bien plus qu’une entreprise d’aliments pour animaux de compagnie : découvrez Almo Nature!
Avec un siège situé à Gênes, en Italie, et des activités à travers le monde entier, notamment aux États-Unis et au Canada, Almo Nature produit depuis l’an 2000 des...
Companion Animal For Life: What We’ve Achieved for Animals in the Past Months
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Coronavirus and Companion Animals: Q&A
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AdoptMe Canada Recap
Companion Animal For Life (CAFL) is the Fondazione Capellino project, managed by Almo Nature, that protects cats and dogs in need—and it's funded entirely by profits...