Food hypersensitivity in dogs: what to do

Food hypersensitivity in dogs: what to do
Dogs can be sensitive to certain nutrients just like humans. This can cause irritations of the skin and problems with the stomach and intestines. Your companion could suffer a lot from either of these.


What is hypersensitivity


Hypersensitivity is best diagnosed by a veterinarian and we advise everyone to consult a vet before taking any form of action. We have summarised some tips for you in this blog so that you know what to look out for. If you want to know more about food hypersensitivity, then keep reading this blog.Food hypersensitivity occurs when a dog is hypersensitive to certain ingredients in food. This can be divided into two different categories:

Food allergy: the body shows a hypersensitive reaction to a certain type of food or nutrient, in which the immune system is activated, and starts to produce antibodies.

Food intolerance: the body shows signs of hypersensitivity but the immune system is not activated.There is no production of antibodies. An example of this is lactose intolerance. This nutrient cannot be processed by the dog’s body and leads to diarrhoea.
It can take anything from a few minutes to a few hours for an allergy to manifest itself.
Food intolerances, on the other hand, take much longer to develop and manifest. Symptoms include: itching, inflamed skin, ear infections or abnormalities in the stool. Roughly 1 out of 2 dogs suffers from them nowadays. Usually there is not a single cause, but rather a series of different factors that cause an intense reaction when added up.
An intolerance is the body's response to the presence of certain ingredients such as chemical additives, preservatives, artificial colours, anti-fungal agents, or ingredients that are simply harder to digest such as offal e.g. beaks and claws. An excessive intake of some additives
or ingredients that are difficult to digest can trigger a series of reactions in the body over time
... as if it were intoxicated and wanted to get rid of it through the skin!

How does this hypersensitivity occur

Many people tend to buy the same food for their dogs throughout the dog’s life. This is not just boring for the dog, it can also cause an intolerance for certain ingredients. The body becomes saturated by this particular ingredient. It can be hard to determine what the exact cause is, because there are so many, and because of this vets will recommend an exclusion diet.
Almo Nature

It took us years of research to develop a unique type of kibble that would be suitable for every dog, but we eventually developed the Alternative line.
There are three factors that makes this kibble so special and unique: it exclusively uses fresh meat, it excludes any use of dried meat, dried fish, meat meal or fish meal and the ingredients that are used are carefully selected and HFC certified, The ingredients that are used are carefully selected and HFC certified, meaning that they were originally suitable for human consumption but have been used in our products instead.
The product doesn’t use any waste products such as beaks, feathers or hooves, which means that the food is less heavy and easier to digest. There are no chemical additives or any other substances that could cause sensitivities over time.
In addition, the different flavours (chicken, salmon, lamb) can be rotated, considering the intrinsic characteristics of the ingredients.
Take salmon for instance: salmon is naturally rich in omega 3, an important nutrient for the summer when the skin is exposed to insect bites, heat and hair loss, making it the ideal recipe during summer, whereas the meat varieties might be heartier for winter and autumn.

Using Alternative Kibble will make a difference.Try it via our website or our social media platforms.