Customer story: The ‘Legend' of Luna the cat

But shortly after Luna moved in, her health took a turn for the worse, she would vomit three times per day.“She is one of the cutest cats you can imagine, everyone who visits us wants to take her home with them!"
“We started trying every food that we could find," Karina wrote “but her digestion did not work properly: frequent bouts of diarrhoea and constipation tormented our little lady."Even a visit to the vet did not bring good news:
“The vet told us, ‘Oh, you will not be happy with this cat. Luna has bad genes; her teeth are too small, and her lungs don't sound too good either,' he said."But Karina and her family simply did not want to give up. After all, Luna was already a member of the family:
“Since our cats are like our children, we did not care about the vet's statement. We chose this animal; his prognosis did not change anything."

“It was a constant ups and downs with her. At some points, she would suffer bouts of really bad breath, then sit crumpled on the floor wheezing. We just knew something wasn't right with our poor feline."Many visits to the vets followed: chest x-rays, scans, blood tests, a general anaesthetic to look at the larynx, smears... and many, many tablets. But the Haupt's were no closer to finding the source of the problem.
"Nothing to show for all the tests, apart from spending lots of money. Of course, it was nice that Luna did not seem to have anything serious," added Karina “But the uncertainty of why she was not feeling well every day was gruelling."One night, Luna collapsed on the floor suffocating… she could not breathe.
“Luckily, my husband noticed because he is a very light sleeper. He ran into the hallway where Luna lay not breathing. He picked her up like a baby and patted her on the back, and fortunately she started to breathe again. If he hadn't heard Luna, we would have found a dead cat in the hall in the morning :-("Now, of course, our fear was great: Would Luna suffer such a fit again? And what if it happened again during the day when we both left for work?Back at the vets, the doctor suggested that Luna might be allergic to certain substances in cat food. Since the Haupt family had excluded most other diseases thanks to the comprehensive tests they had already untaken – a food problem seemed a logical conclusion.After some Internet research Karina Haupt came across Almo Nature HFC Legend.
“Since it doesn't have any additives, we ordered it immediately. We had nothing to lose."And guess what? Luna liked it, and her health improved immediately:
“Luna took to Almo Nature Legend right away and began eating enthusiastically. The Chicken Drumstick recipe is her absolute favourite. Luckily, there's been a happy ending. Since we've changed her food, Luna hasn't suffered any more respiratory arrests and her digestion is much better. We are very happy that this cat food has helped our beloved girl! And we hope to have many more beautiful years with her!"

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