How to Teach a New Kitten How to Use the Litter Tray

How to teach a kitten to use the litter tray or box
1) On arrival home, immediately show the kitten the location of the litter tray
2) Gently place them into the litter to allow them to feel it under their paws and to smell the odor
3) Simulate digging with a finger and make sure they do the same by gently holding their paw and helping them dig a little
4) Letting the kitten experience the litter tray in a calm and playful environment is key to ensure it will always be associated in a positive light
It is also important to always keep the litter box clean so that the kitten is more likely to use it.Where to put the litter tray?
Place the litter tray in a quiet area that's easily accessible but not too close to the kitten's eating area.Do not scold the kitten if it fails to use the tray properly for the first few times. If you live in a big house with more than one floor, it will also be useful to place multiple litter trays around the house, otherwise, the kitten may have trouble reaching the litter tray in time or remembering its exact location.Initially, place the litter tray in the room where the kitten spends most of its time, then gradually, over time, move it to the place you have selected as the tray's permanent location.If you have other cats in the house, they may not like sharing a litter tray. In fact, the rule, recommended by many animal behaviorists is "a litter box for each cat, plus one more." Although this may not always be possible due to space limitations, this advice is still important and each cat should have its own litter tray if possible.