A new project: protecting the loggerhead sea turtle

Fondazione Capellino supports the Italian ENPA for the “Nate Libere” project in order to protect the Loggerhead Sea turtle.
It is with great pride that we announce the start of a new partnership between Fondazione Capellino and the Italian Agency for the Protection of Animals (ENPA). It is part of our Farmers & Predators project, giving it a new purpose and widening the scope in terms of looking after biodiversity.
It’s no mystery, and surely not the first time you hear about this: sea animals are threatened by human activity. We destroy their natural habitats with our litter and invade the spaces they use to reproduce.
One of these sea animals is the loggerhead sea turtle, more commonly known as the loggerhead sea turtle, and once the most common species of sea turtle in the Mediterranean. But the species might disappear from the Italian sea if we don’t act.
Sea turtles lay their eggs in the sand on the beach. The baby turtles have to make their way from the beach to the sea on their own. This is a treacherous journey that many won’t survive. Natural obstacles and predators make it hard for them to reach the sea and get to safety. But the natural obstacles are nothing compared to human made obstacles such as plastic. Tourism in southern Italy has skyrocketed and so has the amount of human made obstacles in and around the beaches.
The Italian animal welfare organisation ENPA is very familiar with the issue and is searching for ways to protect the sea turtle. They created the Nate Libere (Born Free) project that is collaborating with the Anton Dohrn observatory in Naples to monitor the nesting habitat in the coastal regions between Salerno en Sapri. Nate Libre was established in 2017 and it has managed to achieve great results since then: because of its efforts 102 hatchlings managed to reach the Italian sea in 2018.
Fondazione Capellino is concerned about the sea turtle and appreciates the work of ENPA. That’s why we’re supporting the Born Free project with LED lighting and cameras (with a total worth of 2,800 euros) in order to support the monitoring processes.
The choice to support this project is directly related to our aim for increased solidarity with the natural world. The help we provide to ENPA is made possible because of our customers who choose to buy quality food for their companions. This is a choice that improves the quality of life for their animals as well as for other animals.
This collaboration provides our Farmers&Predators project with a wider scope, protecting biodiversity as well as trying to resolve the conflicts between large mammals and human activity. Take a look here for more information on all our activities related to the project