Love Feeds Love

Love Feeds Love
A perfect definition for #AdoptMe, one of the three initiatives of the Companion Animal For Life project, which from 1st March 2021 will resume supporting all who choose to adopt a companion for life from an animal shelter. Adoption is in fact an important gesture which, if done seriously and with awareness, effectively contributes to making kennels and catteries transitory and not prisons for life.
For this, Almo Nature will send every adopter who registers their adoption on its website Companion Animal For Life, a welcome food kit to better receive their four-legged friend and celebrate their new life together.

Moreover, the love released from every adoption will go to feed the Fondazione Capellino’s Love Food Bank: for every registered adoption, the Capellino Foundation will allocate a donation to dogs and cats in difficulty. Three times a year supportive meals from the Love Food Bank will be issued not only to the animals awaiting adoption in shelters but also to dogs and cats in families with economical difficulties to counteract the increase in pet abandonment (#RespectMe).
More than one hundred animal shelters and European associations for animal protection are part of a virtuous circle fuelled by love and respect for our friends for life: a commitment aimed at recognising their right to live a life outside cages, suited to their nature and protected as members of the family to all effects.