Companion Animal For Life, delivered its millionth meal!

This is an overview of what we’ve achieved for animals in the past 3 months:
We thought it would be great to present an illustrated overview of what the Companion Animal for Life project has achieved thanks to every cat and dog who enjoys Almo Nature food:
Companion Animal for Life aided 95 associations facing emergency situations
The project aims to help shelters that find themselves in difficult, unforeseeable, and unexpected situations, and it’s helped a total of 95 associations in the past three months ( 251 from January). We think this part of our endeavours is crucial because shelters, rescues centres, and other kinds of animal-loving associations are often run by volunteers who sacrifice their own time in order to help cats and dogs in difficulty.
Companion Animal for Life helped 2,955 cats and dogs who live in shelters
Dogs and cats in shelters need to be taken care of and volunteers can’t always take care of every single aspect of their needs (even though volunteers do so much for them!). That’s where we come in! We give away our high-quality pet food to help keeping animals in shelters healthy and happy. From the start of the year we have helped shelters that have a total of 21,005 dogs and cats in their care.
Companion Animal for Life delivered lots of meals
We delivered 1 million meals to cats and dogs in the past 10 months and during the past three months of the year, we’ve delivered 101,046 meals to dogs and cats across Europe. We are actively helping to get 1,120 cats and dogs adopted (the number of animals worked with in 2019 is now running up to 4000). Giving away meals represents our most tangible action for animals, and will help us reaching the goal of the project: responsible adoption and responsible ownership.
Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to see some of the happy faces who found a new home through the shelters we support.