A Surprise From The European Commission For Fondazione Capellino

It is a small gesture, but highly symbolic for what we are and what we desire to become.

The Green Week, which took place from October 19 to 22, was intense and rich in meetings and contributions from all across Europe (to learn more: https://www.eugreenweek.eu/en).
Fondazione Capellino has participated by hosting a 'partner event'; a webinar to present the Economy of Restitution model, which aims at thoroughly redefining the purpose and profound meaning of doing business; that is, being successful and using success to create a common benefit, rather than an individual one.
It is an idea that we strive to make real every day. As a matter of fact, Almo Nature (100% owned by Fondazione Capellino) has become Almo Nature Benefit SpA, thus assuming the formal commitment to use its success on the market to make a positive impact on biodiversity, to be achieved through the Fondazione Capellino projects.
In this path, we are not alone; the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is very clear about it, imposing at Goal #12 a responsible review of current production and consumption models. We will never tire of repeating that the choices of each of us, from the easiest and most frequent to the most complex and far-sighted, have economic, social, and environmental consequences.
The question is: what should we consider non-negotiable? Without a shadow of a doubt, our answer is: the impact on biodiversity!