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Rollen som flockledare för din hund
Katten är tydligt oberoende men hunden är till sin natur en social varelse. Faktum är att vara del av en flock eller en familj påverkar dess psyko-sociala välmående...
A Surprise From The European Commission For Fondazione Capellino
Today is a special day for Fondazione Capellino: we have just received from the European Commission the certificate of participation in the Green Week 2020 – A New...
Aslan och Rose, på flykt från kriget
Aslan och Rose är ett ägare och hund par, vid första anblicken precis som så många andra. En leende pojke och en livlig husky vars delade ögonblick filmats på vägen,...
Companion Animal For Life, delivered its millionth meal!
Companion Animal for Life, our project that is designed to give every dog and every cat a home, and promotes responsible ownership, has been running full speed ahead in...
Official Launching of the collaboration between The Capellino Foundation, Almo Nature Benefit SpA and the Recovery Centre for hedgehogs, “La Ninna”
It’s official. The Capellino Foundation and Almo Nature Benefit Spa march into action at the side of Doctor Massimo Vaschetta’s Hedgehog Recovery Centre, “La Ninna”. ...
Coronavirus and Companion Animals: Q&A
We’ve received many questions regarding the coronavirus and your beloved companions. Despite the fact that one dog in Hong Kong tested positive for the virus there is...
The first fruits of the agroforest
Where has our search for a form of sustainability with a taste of the ancient, but combined with the most advanced scientific-technological knowledge led us? To a...
Love Feeds Love
A perfect definition for #AdoptMe, one of the three initiatives of the Companion Animal For Life project, which from 1st March 2021 will resume supporting all who choose...