Pets are not Christmas presents, they are companions in your life

Welcoming a new pet companion into one's home without giving some thought to what this may actually mean is unfortunately still a very common practice. The report issued by ENPA* (National Animal Protection Agency) in October 2022 speaks for itself!
This year is closing on a very negative note for cats and dogs: in Italy alone, a high number of surrenders, and much worse, abandonments were recorded between January and October, leading to over 57,000 dogs and cats being housed in Italian shelters.
Another figure contributes to further worsening this dismal picture: that of declining pet adoptions. There is growing concern that, with the Christmas period approaching, more adoptions or ill-advised purchases could turn into abandonments over the months to come.
No more dogs and cats under the Christmas tree
Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of dogs and cats being surrendered to a shelter or, worse, abandoned after a few months, or years, of living together. This often happens when their “human friend” decides that the commitment required to care for them has become too burdensome or is no longer consistent with their lifestyle.
That is why we are here again to talk about responsible adoptions, especially at this time of year when dogs and cats turn into gifts for children to discover under the Tree.
This is not to say that giving a dog or cat as a present at Christmas is to be forbidden, however, both recipient and giver should be aware of what it means to welcome a new pet into the home.
Impetuous, unwise, unaware choices may easily result in either dog or cat becoming, in the short or the long term, too much of a burden; so one gets rid of them without regard to their emotions and feelings.
When you adopt, you make a promise, abandonment shatters it!
Responsible pet Adoption
So, what should you bear in mind before adding a dog or cat to your family?
There are multiple things to consider before you adopt, starting with the fact that not all dogs and cats are the best pet for us and our household. Always get to know your animal companion before bringing them home and get the support of an expert who can determine the animal's needs and create a match that will work for your lifestyle and requirements.
In addition to the myriad emotions, you should also bear in mind the physiological needs of a dog or a cat, as well as any difficulties that may eventually be encountered. Some examples?
- Puppies and kittens grow into adults with their own personalities and unique characteristics that do not always match our expectations,
- dogs and cats must be suitably fed, that is, their food must meet their nutritional requirements and contain high-quality ingredients for long lasting well-being,
- they are a huge time commitment,
- their mental and physical health must be managed and supported also in the event of illness or discomfort.
Adopt, do not buy
Choosing to adopt your dog or cat from a shelter will give them a great second chance for happiness; besides, you will be sure to have made a wonderful gesture.
We advocate responsible adoption, to reduce the number of homless pets and avoid an increase in their numbers on the territory.
#AdoptMe - Almo Nature Project
For several years Almo Nature has been supporting pet adoption as a pondered and irrevocable choice. A responsible choice which we support by donating one month’s worth of Almo Nature pet food to those who choose to adopt from the shelter, and a further one to the less fortunate dogs and cats in need: those living in low-income families, in shelters or victims of disasters and emergencies.
Since the project's inception in 2018 to date, we have managed to support 35,892 adoptions both in Italy and abroad, as well as hold 2 pet food drives to Ukraine to donate meals to dogs and cats in need. The project is financed through the sales of our products, which allows us to donate 2 meals per adoption, one to the adopted pet companion and one to a fellow pet in need.
Also your help is important: by buying our products you will be supporting this project.
Adopt Responsibly, do not shop and discover Almo Nature's #AdoptMe project.
*ENPA - Initiatives October 4, 2022