New and unconventional ways to keep you companion animal happy and healthy

The UK is home to more than 8 million cats and 9 million dogs, living in households all across the country. They are our friends and family and we enjoy looking after them like they are our own. We care for their physical as well as their psychological health by providing them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and veterinary check ups. But that isn’t always enough, sometimes we need a little extra care. That is why we decided to do a little research into alternative care methods.
*always consult your vet and/or certified professionals.
Homeopathy is a natural, therapeutic method that stimulates the body’s natural healing process.
Many animals recover from an illness or experience a better quality of life because of homeopathy.
Animal therapy
Yes, it is possible to speak with your cat or dog. Sort of. Animal behaviourists can help you communicate with your cat or dog. This form of recognised therapy can help you to better understand their needs and to address (problematic) behaviourism. You can arrange a consult for behavioural problems such as uncleanliness, mental problems, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and the introduction of another animal or you can ask them for advice regarding healthy lifestyles and nutrition.
Learn more here.
Our cats and dogs offer us emotional support and brighten up our days on a 24 hour basis. However, they also absorb our moods and feelings. Some animals are more sensitive than others and some animals might take on our stress levels, causing them to feel lethargic and down. If you think your cat is suffering from mental distress or a mental block, find a certified Reiki practitioner to re-energise your companion and yourself.
Bach flower
Bach flower remedies have been proven very effective for animals who experience anxiety.
Many veterinarians and animal psychologists are specialised in Bach flower animal treatments and achieve great success. The effect of Bach flower remedies on animals is so subtle that nothing can happen if you give the animal the wrong medicine or if you dose is too high. The application is free of side effects and therefore completely harmless. It can also be combined with other forms of treatment.
Acupuncture is an energetic healing process that takes advantage of the body's self-healing mechanism. It involves placing very fine needles into specific points of the skin to release pain relieving endorphins. It can be used to treat several illnesses and ailments but it generally increases circulation, releases hormones, relieves spasms, and stimulates the immune system. It is especially good for treating chronic illnesses as it’s an ongoing therapy, not a one-time-fix.
We hope you enjoyed this article as much as we enjoyed researching it. Please let us know if you have any experience with the mentioned treatments in this blog through Facebook.
Important note: you should always consult a veterinarian before trying any of the above methods and always turn to certified physicians and medications, especially in case of severe symptoms. Remember, only a recognised physician can properly assess and treat ailments.